Our load cells and torque sensors are supplied with at least a one direction calibration certificate traceable to the NIST. Dead weights and transfer standards and all measurement equipment used to calibrate our products are certified on a regular schedule.
Calibration Procedure
Four load points are recorded from zero to full scale increasing and decreasing with the errors documented as linearity and hysteresis as percent of full scale. This procedure is repeated and the difference between runs documented as repeatability error as percent of full scale. Finally, with the load cell or torque sensor at zero (NO LOAD) position, a precision wire wound resistor is placed across (-) power lead (black) and (-) signal lead (white) producing a millivolt output. Our calibration certificate will reflect this resistor value and millivolt output along with calculated percent of full scale and engineering units to be used later for system calibration.
System Calibration
Our load cell and torque sensor related instrumentation (with or without display) utilize the resistance (R-CAL) method of calibration transfer. The precision resistor value stated on our calibration certificate and explained above is supplied with our instrumentation as a internal or external (R-CAL) resistor. A push button or momentary switch shunts the load cell bridge, and the span pot is quickly and accurately adjusted to the engineering units equivalent stated on the calibration certificate.
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