Solid State Relays
Two optional plug-in setpoint controller boards are available to add control and alarm capability to 1/8 DIN DPM-3
- Two solid state relays
- Four solid state relays
- Operation above or below setpoint. Each relay may be individually programmed to be energized above or below a setpoint, or may be disabled.
- Latching or non-latching. Each relay may be individually programmed to operate in a latching or non-latching mode. In the latching mode, when an alarm or shutdown condition is reached, the output remains in the alarm condition until it is reset by front panel pushbuttons, via the serial interface, or via the rear connector. In the non-latching mode, the output is automatically reset when the alarm condition no longer exists.
- Band deviation mode. Each relay may be set to operate in a band deviation mode, where an alarm is generated whenever the reading is a specified number of counts above or below the setpoint. In particular, band deviation is ideal to flag an out-of-tolerance condition.
- Hysteresis mode. Each relay may be set to operate in a hysteresis mode, where turn-on occurs at a specified amount above the setpoint and turn-off occurs at the same amount below the setpoint.
- Filtered or unfiltered input. Relay action may be derived from either the filtered or unfiltered DPM-3 input signals. Using the unfiltered signal improves response time, which is typically 17 ms for a DPM-3 with the solid state relay board. Fast response time is one of the major strengths of DPM-3, which can digitize analog data as often as 60 times per second. Using the filtered input reduces the chance of alarm triggering due to noise
- Provisions for signal noise. A programmable time delay and reduction of relay chatter can be achieved in the DPM-3 by selecting 1 to 128 readings in binary steps (17 ms to 2.1 s) prior to updating the output. Snubber circuitry is part of the contact relay board to prolong contact life. The relay response time of counters is controlled by a selectable gate time from 10 ms to 199.99 s.
Relay Setup
Setpoint values and operating modes can be entered via front panel pushbuttons or by computer via the serial interface. Security lockout modes of the front panel pushbuttons can be set to allow operators to view and change setpoint values, view but not changes setpoint values, or not view nor change setpoint values. The Laureate Weight Meter and Batch Controller offer relay control modes beyond those of normal meter or counter operation.